I am way to slow and this costs too much energie

I can code with eyes closed now and I am pretty fast. Still, I encounter this mental obstacle from time to time. Coding just takes more time and it costs more energie.

How I deal with being slow

Yes in many aspects a non-sighted coder is slower then I sighted coder. The key for me practically is The 20/80 principle.

Sighted people make so many mistakes when it comes to time management. Perfectionism is a hell for productivity. If you analyze in all your actions what the 20% was that ended up as 80% of the result, you can be way more productive.

If you can manage your time better, you can deliver more and better products. In the core, we are slower. But with enough optimizations we can be as productive.

Don't worry about being slow in the beginning. You have still much to learn and much to practice when you're starting out. In the beginning I was very slow too. I just wrote like 5 lines a day. Visualizing is hard in the beginning but you will get better and better.

About the energie part...

Take a break now and then. If you have partial sight, it is okay to take a power nap.

For me buying a new monitor helped a lot with energie. I bought a monitor with high contrast and I high DPI so that the text is sharp and easy to read.

The important thing is that you should not compare yourself too much with sighted people. Everything that visually impaired people do costs twice as much energie then for sighted people.

Do your best, but do not try to be the best. HAving a visual impairment is hard enough.