Hello world!

Goal: Make a binary that prints hello world and get familiar with language servers and error messages


Being a coder is more then looking around in an HTML file. We want to use a programming language. You can read the programming language chapter about which language fits best.

We have an editor, we have a language that we want to use. Now let's bring those two together.

The mission

  1. Install the toolchain that you need for your language.
  2. Install a language server if it doesn't come with your editor already.
  3. Make an hello world project. Try to print hello world in the console or a hello world app.
  4. Change hello world into hello {your name}.
  5. Make a syntax error. Can you read the error? Can you use your language server to find the error?
  6. Expend your program so you have more then 1 function and more then 1 file. Can you navigate the files with shortcuts from your editor? Can you use a go to definition or Go to references to find the function you're looking for?

Good luck!