This is too hard.

I really doubted if coding with eyes closed was a thing that would work for me. Luckily I grinded until I could code with eyes closed and I am very happy that I can make whatever I want.

Coding is still a lot of fun with eyes closed. For me the fun part is coming up with solutions to problems. That is a game that you play in your mind. Not on a screen.

Coders with sight implement their ideas via a keyboard and light form their screen. Coders with little to no sight implement their ideas via a keyboard and sound from their headphones.

That is the only difference. So if you like to code because you like to think about problems and come up with elegant solutions, you will like to code with eyes closed.

If you want to code with eyes closed, I have a good mental advice if you consider quitting because it is too hard. Do not listen to sighted people who say that this is too hard for you.

It all comes from a good hart but sighted people are amazed if you cross the street with a cane. Even though when you did that 10 times it is not even hard.

If they think that is hard, how on earth can you take advice that coding with eyes closed is too hard for you? You should have higher expectations then those people.

Then again, these people are very kind. It all comes from a good heart but their thoughts are not so realistic when it comes to your capabilities.

Ready to code?